Inspiring Product Information
in all Channels.

The prodexa product experience application: Fast, easy to use, individually configurable - with automatable processes and formats for your industry!
prodexa PXM Plattform

Flexible and scalable product data management

With prodexa, companies are able to create relevant and emotionally engaging product experiences that strike a chord with customers - across every marketing and sales channel, today and tomorrow.

Efficient data maintenance

Central management of product data and media assets for consistent playout in various channels.

Faster time-to-market

Acceleration of internal processes and automated playout of product data.

Improved customer experience

Optimization of product information and links for a personalized customer experience.

Increase in the conversion rate

High-quality product data and cross-selling functions promote customers' purchasing decisions.

Optimized resources

Effective content management: Easy management of digital assets and product information to create engaging marketing content.

Data-driven decisions

Access to comprehensive product analyses and reports to optimize sales strategies and business decisions.

A central hub for your product data

In prodexa, relevant information about your products can be easily recorded, updated and synchronized. From product descriptions and technical specifications to prices and availability, you have everything under control. In addition, prodexa offers extensive functions for data cleansing, validation and enrichment. This ensures that your product data is always correct, complete and up to date.

Product Experience Management

Sell more with attractive, consistent and relevant product data for all digital sales areas.

Product Information Management

Create, manage and distribute accurate and attractive product data to drive product experiences, product sales and product innovation.

Digital Asset Management

Store, manage, update and protect a wide range of digital content for a variety of file types, formats, sizes and versions for all marketing and sales channels.

Cross Media Publishing

Accelerate publication of product information in printed media for a consistent omnichannel experience.

Product Experience Catalog

Provides fast, error-tolerant search functions across all catalogs and contracts, making it easier for users to find the right product.

Marketplace Catalog Portal

Provides suppliers with a secure and intuitive environment to securely manage product catalogs and price lists on their own.

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more Cross-
and Up-Selling
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Time- and
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Mit Produktdaten Kunden begeistern

Partnertag – 7. Dezember 2023

Professioneller Omnichannel Commerce ist längst nicht mehr eine Disziplin, die ausschließlich große Unternehmen und Konzerne betrifft. Der boomende Markt an digitalen Lösungsanbietern öffnet auch kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen die Türen zu einem zeitgemäßen Produktdaten-Management. Wir zeigen auf, wieso ein PIM-System auch für KMUs von Vorteil ist und worauf sie bei der Auswahl achten sollten.

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PIM fur KMU – worauf ist zu achten

PIM für KMU – worauf ist zu achten?

Professioneller Omnichannel Commerce ist längst nicht mehr eine Disziplin, die ausschließlich große Unternehmen und Konzerne betrifft. Der boomende Markt an digitalen Lösungsanbietern öffnet auch kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen die Türen zu einem zeitgemäßen Produktdaten-Management. Wir zeigen auf, wieso ein PIM-System auch für KMUs von Vorteil ist und worauf sie bei der Auswahl achten sollten.

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Do you have questions or would you like to experience the advantages of prodexa live for your industry?